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Monday Madness

Good morning, y’all! I know you’re expecting a rather jazzy post but it looks like I’m ringing in the new year by falling behind on my blogging. Call it a little Monday madness. Usually, I have posts scheduled weeks in advance. I hope to maintain some kind of consistency throughout the rest of the holidays (through Sukkot, which I’ll be spending in Los Angeles) but I’m not making any promises.

I also promise that I’m not (totally) cheating on you with the Sookie Stackhouse series, True Blood DVDs and my food baby (what brave soul can stay on their diet–sorry, not diet, LIFESTYLE CHANGE–in the face of High Holiday meals?).

So what was the best part of your Rosh Hashanah? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

2 thoughts on “Monday Madness

  1. Spending Saturday in the ER with the hubby who somehow leaned on a lightbulb he didn't see under a stack of papers and sliced his hand open. 7 hours of hospital time. An arm that swelled after the tetanus shot. No services for us.


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