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Riverdale in the News? What?

Yes, I live in Riverdale. The Riverdale where the synagogues were almost blown up. Because converting to Judaism means now worrying about being blown up during prayer.

An email from my local synagogue:

“Last night, the New York City Police Department and the FBI apprehended four terrorists whom they were tracking for many months as the perpetrators placed bombs in cars in front of the Riverdale Jewish Center and Riverdale Temple. The bombs were inactive and inert, having been supplied by undercover government agents.

In the private briefing, Police Commissioner Kelly told Riverdale political and clergy leaders that at no time was anyone in danger, as the operation was being carefully monitored. They have assured us that there is no danger to our community. Police have now been stationed in front of all Riverdale synagogues.

We are deeply grateful to the Police and the FBI for an operation well done. We are confident that authorities will be vigilant to make sure that our communities continue to be properly protected.

We reach out to the Riverdale Temple and Riverdale Jewish Center communities with expressions of deep solidarity. Please feel free to call the office and speak to us if you have any concerns.

This is a time to raise a voice of moral conscience against this horror. We have a chance to do this tonight, as we gather to celebrate the liberation of Jerusalem. This is an opportunity to bring our families for an evening of prayer and song and declaration that Am Yisrael Chai.”

Read more in “The Plot to Bomb Riverdale: How it Unraveled”. The Riverdale Press also covered the story, “Bombing Attempt Foiled at Riverdale Temple”.

One thought on “Riverdale in the News? What?

  1. In the words of our nation’s 17th President, Andrew Johnson, these miscreants should be “hanged as high as Haman!”

    Rabanit-You are right. We should be eternally grateful to law enforcement for lifting these scoundrels!


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